Self catering at 9 The Whinlands Thorpeness in Suffolk
Key details
9 The Whinlands
Thorpeness, Suffolk
9 The Whinlands in East England is a perfect choice for a great holiday or a fun short break in Suffolk. Find out more about 9 The Whinlands below.
More about 9 The Whinlands
A grade two listed, large centrally heated family house situated on three floors, with views over Thorpeness Common. Just a mile north of Aldeburgh is this fascinating seaside village, built in the 1920s by Glencairn Stuart Ogilvie, an architect, barrister and playwright. The mock Tudor style of building is now the hallmark of Thorpeness, where the amenities include the Dolphin Inn, the Thorpeness Hotel with its 18-hole golf club, a country club with tennis courts and the Mere - a large shallow boating lake with tearooms nearby. The beaches are mainly sandy and behind the village are a myriad of footpaths over heath and common land. A Grade II listed, spacious centrally heated family house set over three floors with views to Thorpeness Common. GROUND FLOOR Sitting Room: TV, DVD, audio equipment and gas fire. Dining Room: Large table and chairs. Kitchen: Electric cooker, extra large fridge freezer, microwave, dishwasher. Utility Room/Rear Entrance: Washing machine and tumble dryer, fridge freezer. Cloakroom: Washbasin and wc. FIRST FLOOR Bedroom 1: Single bed. Bedroom 2: Double bed. Bedroom 3: Twin beds. Bedroom 4: Double bed. Bathroom: Bash and washbasin. Shower Room: Large shower cubicle washbasin and wc. SECOND FLOOR Bedroom 5: Four single beds. Garden: Enclosed front and rear gardens with furniture and barbecue. Parking: Roadside Heating: Gas heating. Notes: Telephone for incoming calls/operator/emergency/BT Chargecard.
Accommodation features
We have the following details listed regarding 9 The Whinlands accommodation accessibility but we would recommend that you always confirm these prior to booking with the owner or operator.
Close to 9 The Whinlands
9 The Whinlands is a great base to explore the wonders of Suffolk and you will find plenty of activities near by.
Finding 9 The Whinlands
9 The Whinlands is at Thorpeness, Suffolk IP16 4ND. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in.
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Fully booked or not what you are looking for?
If 9 The Whinlands in Suffolk is booked when you wish to go there or is not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering cottages, apartments and lodges available in Thorpeness and the surrounding area. Start your search right here:
- Self catering cottages and apartments in Thorpeness
- Self catering cottages and apartments in Suffolk
- Self catering cottages and apartments in East England
Find Cottage Holidays and our Holiday Partners
Find Cottage Holidays works closely with independent cottage owners and leading holiday travel operators to provide you the widest choice of self catering accommodation across England. 9 The Whinlands in Suffolk is available through: Suffolk Secrets.
Established over 15 years ago Suffolk Secrets, a family owned business, has grown to become one of the county's leading holiday cottage lettings agency, representing over 280 VisitEngland assessed properties across the Suffolk countryside and coast.
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