Self catering at Arts and Crafts Country House Elgin in Morayshire
Key details
Arts and Crafts Country House
Elgin, Morayshire
Arts and Crafts Country House in East Scotland a perfect base for your holiday in Morayshire. Find out more about Arts and Crafts Country House below.
More about Arts and Crafts Country House
Large, character country house situated on a 2,500 acre estate in the Scottish Highlands just a short drive from Inverness. Rural, private setting with beautiful views across the moors, surrounded by lawns and woodland creating plenty of outdoor space. Well-appointed spacious interior rooms in Victorian style comfortably accommodating groups of up to 17. Good ratio of bathrooms to bedrooms. Warmed by log fire and central heating. Within; -Accommodation made up of 8 double bedrooms and 1 single bedroom; 10 bathroom/shower rooms -Large drawing room with open fire, separate sitting room and sun room provide plenty of separate space for adults and children -Large dining room comfortably seating all guests -Spacious, well equipped kitchen with larder and dining table seating 8 -Local game shooting and sporting activities available Perfect for: Family gatherings, mixed couples and outdoor enthusiasts looking for a large rural house close to Inverness. Please note: Additional accommodation available Cook and Housekeeping services available.
Accommodation features
- 1 single bedroom/s with private bathroom
- 3 double bedroom/s with shared bathroom
- 2 Double room/s with ensuite bathroom
- 3 Double room/s with ensuite shower room
Feature summary
Information for young families
Arts and Crafts Country House is family friendly self catering.
We have the following details listed regarding Arts and Crafts Country House accommodation accessibility but we would recommend that you always confirm these prior to booking with the owner or operator.
Close to Arts and Crafts Country House
Arts and Crafts Country House is a great base to explore the wonders of Morayshire and you will find plenty of activities near by.
Finding Arts and Crafts Country House
Arts and Crafts Country House is at Elgin, Morayshire. The nearest train station is Elgin. The nearest airport is Inverness. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in.
Have Your or comment on Arts and Crafts Country House
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Fully booked or not what you are looking for?
If Arts and Crafts Country House in Morayshire is booked when you wish to go there or is not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering cottages, apartments and lodges available in Elgin and the surrounding area. Start your search right here:
- Self catering cottages and apartments in Elgin
- Self catering cottages and apartments in Morayshire
- Self catering cottages and apartments in East Scotland
Find Cottage Holidays and our Holiday Partners
Find Cottage Holidays works closely with independent cottage owners and leading holiday travel operators to provide you the widest choice of self catering accommodation across Scotland. Arts and Crafts Country House in Morayshire is available through: Scotts Castles.
Formed in 1988, Scotts Castles Holidays is a specialist in letting castles and large houses in Scotland. As a small, independently owned partnership that has let holiday homes for over 20 years, they provide excellent customer service and consider every one of their customers unique individuals with unique needs.
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