Self catering at Flat 3 Albany House Salcombe in Devon
Key details
More about Flat 3 Albany House
An imposing Victorian townhouse comprising three very tastefully presented apartments, situated in a quiet residential position above the town, yet within reasonable walking distance of shops, restaurants and quays. Each apartment has lovely views over a large shared garden and across the town towards Batson Creek and the Salcombe estuary. The garden has paved and grassed terraces with outdoor furniture and barbecues available.
Accommodation features
We have the following details listed regarding Flat 3 Albany House accommodation accessibility but we would recommend that you always confirm these prior to booking with the owner or operator.
Close to Flat 3 Albany House
Flat 3 Albany House is a great base to explore the wonders of Devon and you will find plenty of activities near by.
Finding Flat 3 Albany House
Flat 3 Albany House is at Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8HT. Check out the map below for directions, use the controls to zoom in.
Have Your or comment on Flat 3 Albany House
If you have stayed at Flat 3 Albany House why not add your thoughts, comments, pictures to our Facebook page? Don't forget to add the name/town/page link to your comment so its attributed to the correct place. Please keep it polite, we are sensitive souls!
Fully booked or not what you are looking for?
If Flat 3 Albany House in Devon is booked when you wish to go there or is not quite what you are looking for then don't fear, there are plenty of other self catering cottages, apartments and lodges available in Salcombe and the surrounding area. Start your search right here:
- Self catering cottages and apartments in Salcombe
- Self catering cottages and apartments in Devon
- Self catering cottages and apartments in South West England
Find Cottage Holidays and our Holiday Partners
Find Cottage Holidays works closely with independent cottage owners and leading holiday travel operators to provide you the widest choice of self catering accommodation across England. Flat 3 Albany House in Devon is available through: Coast and Country.
Coast and Country is a local agency with offices in both Salcombe and Dartmouth, their friendly and experienced team know and love the area and regularly visit our properties and will help you match your holiday expectations.
Where to go, what to see, what to do...
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